I'm done with MakerWorld
As of January 19th, 2025, all Lucky 13 designs have been removed from MakerWorld indefinitely. This page should help answer some questions about that.
Why did you leave MakerWorld?
Lots of reasons, but it mostly boils down to the fact that I don't like the way Bambu Lab (which controls MakerWorld) has been running its business.
3D printing is built on the open-source efforts of thousands of dedicated creators. Meanwhile, Bambu is trying to create a closed system where they always have control and always come out on top.
It is my opinion that Bambu Lab does not respect open source, and does not respect its users. I do not trust them to behave in the community's best interests. I believe that they are bad news for the 3D printing hobby.
You don't have to agree with me, but I've made up my mind not to be a part of Bambu's closed system.
Are you coming back?
I don't plan to. Even if Bambu reverses course, I really feel like MakerWorld just isn't for me.
I didn't quit designing and printing, though! I'm just done with that specific platform.
Where can I get your designs now?
All official Lucky 13 designs are available on Printables, as they always have been. They are still free, and always will be.
Will the files from Printables still work with my Bambu printer?
Yes, absolutely! You just need to download the stl files and slice them yourself in Bambu Studio to send to your Printer.
Plenty of tutorials on how to slice files for your Bambu printer are just a web search away.
Seems like a lot of work. I liked it better when I could just print from Bambu Handy.
Being able to download and slice your own files is an important skill for any 3D printing hobbyist.
(Bambu enabling people to skip this step is just one way they try to keep you stuck in their system!)
Doing your own slicing takes a few extra steps, but I wouldn't ask you to do it if it wasn't worth it.
Thanks for reading, and happy printing.
Lucky 13 Toys © 2022-2025 Gabe Rosiak